The Moon of the Mountains

The moon is reckoned from New Moon to New Moon. The year is reckoned by the Harvest Moon which is defined as that Full Moon which occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox. There are often 13 moons in a year, so there is an additional name each of these years to be fitted into one of the seasons. In that case, one month will have two full moons; the second full moon in one month is called a Blue Moon. The fixed moons, which occur near the equinoxis and solstisces are Harvest, Midsummer, Christmas and New Leaf. The additional moon names to be fitted in as Blue Moons appear depend on the season of their occurance. They can be called: in Winter, Wisdom; Spring, Joy; Summer, Grace; Autumn, Glory. When two Blue Moons occur in the same season, the second one can be called the Moon of Peace. Other names are always appropriate.
January Ice
February Wolf
March Storm or Easter
April New Leaf or Dogwood
May Flower or Blackberry
June Honey or Midsummer
July Thunder or Cherry
August Haze or Grain
September Harvest or Fruit
October Falling leaves
November Frost
December Christmas or Long Night
©John Womack, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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