Reflections In a Gallery

Next time you find a good gallery go in and look at the art that hangs on its walls. Check out what's in the stack bins and the browse boxes, and then take some time to sit and reflect a while. There's more in a good gallery than first meets the eye.
All languages are filled with wonderful words. And those words can be composed and organized into amazing concepts and thoughts, but the most beautiful thing that any word or concept can do is to combine with others and tell you a story that can enrich your life. And a good gallery is a lot like a good book, it can show you things you might not otherwise see, or even think of – and it has the ability to make you aware of who you really are.
So next time you find a good gallery, go in and stroll around, look at the pictures. Check out the bins and browse boxes, and then just sit a while. Tune into the gallery. It has a story it can tell you, and that's just the beginning. If you watch closely enough, it will begin to tell you a little bit about yourself. Reflect on the pictures you see and reflect on the energies you can feel. Ask yourself what is it that wants to come through to you here.
Franklin, North Carolina, has such a gallery. It is not only in the heart of town, it is really "uptown".
So come to Franklin. You'll by amazed. Come to the Uptown Art Gallery, look at the hangings, then sit a spell. Relax and feel what is really there. What are the messages that come through to you? And if you reflect carefully enough, you may find that you too are on the way to becoming a beautiful work of art.
© John Womack, 2007. All rights reserved.
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