Hoppin' John

You know you are a southerner, and that it is New Year's Day when you settle in for a great meal of Hoppin' John - the only meal in the world that can guarantee you financial good fortune in the year that began today! But ONLY if you eat it on New Year's Day.
Legend has it that the greens in the meal will bring greenbacks fluttering into your hands all through the year to come, and the black-eyed peas will attract lots of coins. Add more onions (at least 4 cups of carmelized Spanish onions) and a handful of chopped scallions along with tomato wedges, all this must be blessed with hot-pepper vinegar and a dash of soy sauce and your fortune for the year to come is then secure - but only IF - you have have greasy cornbread, slathered with real butter while it is so hot that the butter melts into the pone - THEN - you can go forward confidently into the New Year with unfettered happiness.
Go call your broker!
© John Womack, 2007. All rights reserved.
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