Hickory Autumn Colors

Hickory brought color into our lives this year and in a big way.
The mountains turn color gradually, and in spots here and there. Not so down here at the beginning of the Blue Ridge. At least this year, the colors all came in together and blanketed the area with sparkling color as the leaves shimmered in the gentle breezes of autumn.
The top picture shows a view typical of Hickory between the downtown, the art museum and the university. This is the old, original "suburbs" of the city and many of the fine old homes here now serve as offices for professional services, many of with connected with the school

The next three photographs were made in the neighborhood in which I live, typical of many in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the city. The neighboorhood is known as Falling Creek, and that creek is show in the fourth photo.
It now seems that the town of Hickory must have been mis-named. Perhaps it should be changed to be called Maples, North Carolina, after the enormoun number of sugar maples trees here. Of course, that tree is not native to the region, so all of these beauties were brought in and planted by thoughtful people many years ago.

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